"Wings Over Marietta" Air Show Schedule

And today, after a great lunch at local Japanese restaurant (ran by Japanese), I looked up in the sky when I heard a great roar, and found not just one, but two F-22s flying at extremely low altitude; I could even see the pilot at one point!
The aircraft was a pure awesomeness. The sound of jet that shakes the ground, that stiff turn at seemingly low speed... Man, I am really hyped for this weekend!!
I'll try to get some pictures, but since the only camera I have is the one on my cell, I doubt I'll get any good ones. I'll upload some after this weekend.
get a digital camera...or better yet some digital camcorders just so that I can see it too....T_T man I am jealous
Come to GA. Drop dentist and just be a normal MD at Emory!! :D
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